Future Job Candidates


Your Language

At Lee, Hill and Associates, we strive to match your professional needs and goals with those of our valued client companies. We speak your language and understand that a successful match requires your buy-in that the presented opportunity is right for you.

Review our Current Jobs and keep in mind that while our client companies depend on us to provide right-fit candidates, we treat your candidacy with the utmost respect and assure you that your information will be handled with complete confidentiality.

Your Opportunity

Contact us today for an assessment of your qualifications for one of our jobs and to find out how we can assist you in taking your career to the next level.

In addition to the openings listed on our Current Jobs page, we are always accepting resumes for the following positions:

  • Software Engineers
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Inside or Outside Salespeople

Submit Your Resume

We look forward to receiving your resume for any current or future job opening. Please email your resume and optional cover letter to us at CONTACT@leehillassociates.com or submit your information below.

Thank You!

Submit Your Resume